Sunday, April 10, 2011

Today's Thoughts.

I've been following the events unfolding in our nation for years now pretty closely, and I know that a good number of other people have been doing the same.  I have witnessed an apparent swing in the media and seemingly a large number of the public that has me concerned.  I hope that it's a swing and not some dark deep seeded agenda from ages ago of hate.

Yes I said hate. defines hate as:  to dislike intensely or passionately; feel extreme aversion for or extreme hostility towards; detest: to hate the enemy; to hate bigotry.

Wisconsin, Michigan, and Florida state leaders seem to be expressing just this by their actions toward the public schools and workers of their states.  Think about that for just a minute.  That means both the children and adults, everyone, they 'dislike intensely or passionately'.  The agenda's they have pursued are so obviously filled with disdain for the wants or needs of their populace that I find it disgusting that anyone voted for them.  Much less that people would still support them.

The facts are right in our face.  Taking away the rights of their populace to be able to discuss with an employer any changes to their employment.  Taking away funding from the source of education that is available to all children.  Changing laws for voting so as to make it harder for all voters to weigh in on the issues.  Taking away funding for women to be able to receive medical needs.

All of this they are doing, and much more, under the guise of an economic crisis.  A bold and unfortunately mainly accepted lie first perpetuated by big corporations and now being used by parts of our own government.

All of the big corporations continue to show large profits, many record gains.   General Electric in the first quarter of 2010, carefully hidden amongst all the whining that they are down from 2009, showed profits of 1.4 billion.  Which when you read their summary at they show that in 2009 they profited 1.3 billion.  Now while it has been a few years since I was in school, I have it on good authority that's 100 million more than the year before.

So let's see, if they only paid 20% of their profits in taxes, never mind the tax due to the common person tends to be closer to 45%, then that is 280 million from that could be going to any of these social programs that are being cut, from that quarter alone and from only one corporation.

Okay I know the argument of 'well those welfare people need to get jobs'.  So how many jobs could have General Electric made available with that break?  They could have hired on 7000 new employee's at a decent wage of 40,000 exactly.  How many jobs did General Electric add to the employment market?  Well I must admit that I can't give accurate numbers at this time but I would be very pleasantly surprised if they brought on another 28,000 employee's by the end of 2010.  I'm wagering that their total hires is much less if not in the negative.

Again this is just one corporation.  We are not feeling the benefits of these tax breaks.  Why should we?  These are corporations and the only people that should feel anything from them is their share holders, and hopefully their employee's, by law.

We've been hearing this talk of 'taking from the rich and giving to the poor' or redistribution of wealth.  Think about this for a minute as well.  You and I are expected to pay our taxes.  We originally did so for the running of our government.  Not to bail out a company because they don't know how to do business and in the process failed.  Yes, we've seen this in the past few years as well and today again these same people want you to forget that this happened under an administration that was and still is it self a part of the higher echelon of corporate society.

Taxes are the countries money.  Your's, mine, your neighbors, and the guy down the street's.  Would you take out your life saving, the money you've put aside to make sure that your loved one's are taken care of in hard times, and hand it over to someone you don't know and have never met because they bought a car they couldn't afford?  Sounds crazy?  That is basically what has taken place with our taxes.

The human in you, the heart, the soul of who you are, does it really prefer to not only give money that is desperately needed for social programs to a corporation?  Money that they do not deserve.  Do you really consider it in any way acceptable to take food off of children's tables so that share holders can inflate their portfolio's?  I'm  not going to go into detail just how much of a negative impact this has directly upon our economy at this time but that may soon be a topic of another posting.

Do you know what happens to a note of loan if the owner of that note no longer exists?  It means that the loanee no longer has to pay on that loan.  What do you think our economy would look like today if you had that monthly house payment back in your pocket because the company that loaned you the money went out of business?  I'm not saying down with all the companies so everyone gets stuff for free.  It is not your fault that they did not conduct their business affairs responsibly.  Now those loans have effectively, or will be paid on twice.  The holders of those loans by over extending themselves to the point of possibly going bankrupt and out of business have gotten our government to hand over your tax dollars to cover their mistakes with your money and your still making those payments or even looking at losing your house, or perhaps even are among the many that already have lost their home.